Wednesday, July 13, 2005


The peas are starting to swell and the brocolli is all ripening at the same time. We can't eat it fast enough, so I am freezing some. I don't have any green cabbage. I thought I did, but it is all brocolli. The red cabbage aren't quite ready yet. The heads are small. The tomatoes have just about stopped flowering and I hav stopped polinating. They are ripening nicely, but they are ll so small. I guess that is what I get for trying to cram 30 tomato plants into that little greenhouse. I don't know what is the matter with the cukes. All the leaves are bleached and shriveling. Some vines are growing new stems and leaves, but I can't figure out what is with them. There are no bugs and it shouldn't have gotten cold enough, even with the door left open at night. The zukes and yellow squash are abundant. The strawberries are deliscious. The cleery will be ready to blance and cut soon.


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