Monday, June 20, 2005

This strawberry is beginning to turn a bit pink.  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

garden progress

I tried to take pictures of the brocolli beginning to form heads, but it is too small to focus on. It is less than the size of a pea, but I am excited to see it.

This is the first of the newly set strawberrys. We should have a really good crop this year. The plants are happy and healthy and just covered with flowers.  Posted by Hello

This is the first of the yellow squash. It needs another day or two, but already I have two more big zukes in the greenhouse. Maybe I should cover theones outside. They really do so much better in the greenhouse. Posted by Hello

Just look at those! They are growing, but not even thinking of turning red, yet. They need to get much bigger.  Posted by Hello

The tomatoes are growing up and over the top of their 5 foot seakes. Most of the big boys are 6 to 7 feet now. They are just loaded with flowers and tiny green tomatoes.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

This is one of the tomatoes I planted upside down. From what I have heard, it is supposed to continue growing downward, but both of them are trying to grow back upwads. They are on the deck because I just donw have room in the greenhouse for them. On the deck they are somewhat protected and the moose can't get them. They are beginning to flower now, so I will just have to wait and see how these work. I had extra plants, so it doesn't cost anything if they don't produce.  Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005


Yesterday I found several marble sized green strawberrys on the berry plants. I moved the squash to where they might get a bit more light but are within easier reach of the hose. Today I picked 5 more big cucumbers. Ryan visited and took home 3 of them. I can always count on the little guys help.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


The cucumbers are doing wonderful. They are ripening faster than we can eat them. I noticed that I haven't had any new female blossoms in the last two days, so picked all the ripe ones. That should enourage blooming. I brought in 6 big beauties. I love the thin skin. I can eat them like an apple.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

good looking cucumber

We picked the second cucumber yesterday and it was quite a bit fatter than the one Ryan picked on Thursday. The skin is so thin that it is soft to eat. They really don't need to be pealed.
The second bunch of peas are coming up now. I got some brussel sprout plants. I have never grown brussel sprouts before, but I like them. It is cloudy again today. Everything got soaked pretty well last night.