Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I have been too busy harvesting my garden to post messages. A virus is killing almost every cucumber plant in town. I lost three, but the 5 I still have are trying to come back. They are growning new leaves and beginning to flower again. I picked the last ripe cucumber yesterday to send to Kaiden. The tomatoes are doing fine. I moved some out of the greenhouse and spread the others out a bit and they are producing more friut. I picked about a 2 quarts this morning. The zucchini and yellow squash are racing to see who can produce the most the fastest. All of the first heads of brocolli have been either eater or frozen. I am harvesting the side shoots now and some of them are as big as the first heads. I took Kym a red cabbage along with everything else last Sunday. Yesterday I picked the first peas. Ryan has been snacking on them for two weeks now, but they are big enough to shell and eat for dinner now. I will have more to pick tomorrow. The celery is doing fine as are the garlic and onions. I bought and planted some brussel sprouts and am watching to see what they do. The plants are huge and healthy, but I don't see anything that looks like a sprout.
The onions are bunching size. I have a couple carrots, but they can grow for another month or so. Carrots take forever to get big enough to eat. Litterally, all summer.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


The peas are starting to swell and the brocolli is all ripening at the same time. We can't eat it fast enough, so I am freezing some. I don't have any green cabbage. I thought I did, but it is all brocolli. The red cabbage aren't quite ready yet. The heads are small. The tomatoes have just about stopped flowering and I hav stopped polinating. They are ripening nicely, but they are ll so small. I guess that is what I get for trying to cram 30 tomato plants into that little greenhouse. I don't know what is the matter with the cukes. All the leaves are bleached and shriveling. Some vines are growing new stems and leaves, but I can't figure out what is with them. There are no bugs and it shouldn't have gotten cold enough, even with the door left open at night. The zukes and yellow squash are abundant. The strawberries are deliscious. The cleery will be ready to blance and cut soon.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I just picked almost a full gallon of fresh ripe strawberries. They are so sweet. I have a daily job now until about the middle of august to pick each day.  Posted by Picasa

This is the long awaited first tomatoes. They are small, but beautiful. There will be lots more within the next days and weekd, but the first ones are special. They were ready on 7-7, just 3 days after the advertized 4th of july date. That is even the name of the variety. The big boys have some that will be ripening very soon, but the Alaska tropic don't seem to care if they do anything this season. The tomatoes have pretty well quit blooming in the greenhouse now. That is good, as they need to quit blooming before they get serious about ripening.  Posted by Picasa

This is my garden brocolli in the foreground withe the mised bed to its right. The letuce is under the hoops behind the brocolli with the cabbage to its right and the peas behind. It isn't beautiful, but the fense is moose proof. Unfortunately it isn't weed proof. If I wasn't so busy with the camera I would have time to weed.  Posted by Picasa

Just about exactly the center of the picture you can see one small tomoto and another just below and to the right. The other has a couple little fruit set, also Posted by Picasa

There will be lots of strawberrys within a few days. Posted by Picasa

Red cabbage is beginning to head Posted by Picasa

There is lots of letuce ready to eat.  Posted by Picasa

We will be having brocolli for dinner tonight and I will start filling the freezer for over next winter. It all comes ripe at the same time.  Posted by Picasa

The peas are looking good and flowering heavily. The second planting are not as big, but they are beginning to bloom, also.  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 02, 2005

The upside down tomatoes are still doing well, this one has lots of flowers, but the other one has little tomatoes on it. I started cutting back the tomatoes in the greenhouse on the 22nd because anything that hasn't bloomed by now won't have time to ripen before the greenhouse is shut down for the season. The 6 plants in the garden are happy and healthy and just as green as emeralds, but they aren't even budding, yet. , Posted by Picasa

The letuce is beginning to blot because of so much sun. I need to figure some way to shade it.  Posted by Picasa

Red cabbage is beginning to form hears Posted by Picasa

The brocolli is starting to form flourettes. It will be big enough to eat soon.  Posted by Picasa

Just look at all the berries Posted by Picasa

The peas have sure liked this last couple of days of rain. The white flowers don't show well, but the first planted ones are blooming.  Posted by Picasa